「日本人死ね!」の低能朝鮮猿 犯人特定


「日本人死んでください」朝鮮人 ビンゴ!(爆 www

→ http://overdope.tumblr.com/post/19181922778


ハーイ 日本人たちよ、こんばんは。
あなたは既に、被曝されているんですか? え〜 ホントに怖いねえ。
もうすぐ東京にも 大地震が発生して、もう死んでしまうのですか? あー それだと良かったです。
私は人を殺すことを想像し、頻繁にすれば その存在が日本人でした。


Hi Japs. How are you? Have you already been exposed to radiation?
You are sure to suffer a fear of it.
I hope a rest of japs in Tokyo are going to die very soon in another big earthquake.
It was japs whom I often killed in my imagination.
I didn't expect I could kill them in practice. But I didn't need it!
They die on their accord! It makes me soooo? happy.
I will enjoy how you deal with the aftermath. See you guys and plz die in instant.